Authorized Reseller Policy

Authorized Reseller Policy

This Authorized Reseller Policy (the “Policy”) governs Darex, LLC’s (“Darex”, “we” or “us”) authorization of You as an authorized reseller of Darex products (the “Products”). By purchasing Products from Darex or a Darex Authorized Distributor (defined below) for resale, You accept the terms and conditions contained in this Policy. If You do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not purchase the Products. 1. Authorized Reseller Status. Subject to Your adherence to these terms and conditions and written approval by Darex, Darex authorizes You to be an authorized reseller of the Products (“Darex Reseller Reseller”) within the Territory (defined below). As a Darex Authorized Reseller, You may represent Yourself to customers and prospective customers as a Darex Authorized Reseller. You may also qualify for certain Darex benefits, including, but not limited to, promotions, information, materials, services, and/or original manufacturer’s warranties. Darex has the right, at any time and for any reason, to terminate Your status as a Darex Authorized Reseller and to terminate any associated benefits. 2. Sales to End Users. You may only offer for sale and sell Products intended by Darex for sale in the United States to end users in the United States and Products intended by Darex for sale in Canada to end users in Canada (“Territory”). You must refer all inquiries regarding prospective purchasers outside of the Territory to Darex. 3. Unauthorized Sales. You may not offer or sell Products to any purchaser who You know or have reason to know intends to re-sell the Products. You may not sell to any end user a quantity of the Products greater than that normally purchased by an end user for personal use. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Darex, You may not offer, advertise, or sell Products through Internet sites or marketplaces, including, but not limited to,,,,, drop-ship accounts, social media, and/or social media forums. Products sold to unauthorized purchasers and Products sold through unauthorized channels may not be eligible for certain Darex benefits, including, for example, promotions and original manufacturer warranties. If You become aware, or reasonably suspect, any purchaser is purchasing and reselling or distributing Products in a manner not authorized by Darex, You must immediately notify Darex in writing by sending an email to; and, if applicable, immediately cease selling to such purchaser and take such other action as reasonably required by Darex. Effective May 21, 2020 2 5. Quality Control Measures. To protect Darex’s goodwill and ensure Product quality, Product authenticity, and a positive customer experience: • You must inspect Products upon receipt and during storage for damage, defect, evidence of tampering, or another non-conformance. If You identify any nonconformance, You must not offer the Product for sale and must report the nonconformance to Darex at • You must store Products following storage guidelines as provided by Darex. • You must sell Products in their original packaging. • You must not relabel, physically repack (including physical separation of bundled products or the physical bundling of products), or alter or modify any Product or Product packaging. • You must not virtually bundle any Product without the express prior written approval of Darex. • You must not tamper with, deface, or alter serial numbers, batch or lot codes, UPC codes, or any other identifying information on Products or their packaging. • You must not remove, translate, or modify the contents of any label or literature on or accompanying the Product. • You must cooperate with Darex in any recall of Products or other consumer safety communications • You must convey policy updates and other information for the Products to Your customers upon request by Darex. • You must not advertise, market, display, or demonstrate non-Darex products with the Products in a manner likely to cause consumers to confuse the source, affiliation, sponsorship, or approval of the non-Darex products by Darex. 6. Information and Reports. You must maintain accurate and up-to-date information regarding your adherence to this Policy. You must provide reports or other information Darex may request concerning a particular Product to determine and/or verify your purchase date of the Product, the location where the Product was purchased, the location where the Product was stored, where the Product was sold, the identity of a purchaser of the Product, and the dates on which You sold or shipped the Product to the purchaser. If any significant quantity of Products You purchase are lost or stolen, You must promptly report such event to Darex. You must provide Darex with any supplemental information, documents, and reports that Darex may request in order to validate Your adherence to this Policy and to support Darex’s customer support efforts. 7. Customer Service. Your sales personnel must be trained to accurately describe, Effective May 21, 2020 3 demonstrate, and sell each Product kept in Your inventory. You must present Products in a professional manner and refrain from any conduct that is or could be detrimental to the reputation of Darex. 8. Product Warranty. Darex may extend an original manufacturer’s warranty to authorized purchasers of certain Products. You may not modify or alter this original manufacturer’s warranty, represent, or characterize the original manufacturer’s warranty in any misleading manner, or extend Your own warranty with respect to the Products. Unauthorized sales of the Products under this Policy void any otherwise applicable original manufacturer’s warranty of the Products. For additional information on Darex’s original manufacturer’s warranty and eligibility requirements, email or call 800-418-1439. With exception of its original manufacturer’s warranty (if any), DAREX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OF TRADE OR OTHERWISE. DAREX SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF SALES, OR LOSS OF PROFITS. 9. Compliance with Applicable Laws. You must comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policies related to advertising, sales, and marketing of the Products. 10. Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy. Darex has a MAP policy that applies to all Darex Authorized Resellers within the United States (“Darex MAP Policy”). If You are a Darex Authorized Reseller within the United States, You must comply with the Darex MAP Policy. Click here to read the Darex MAP Policy. 11. Darex Brand Materials. Darex owns all proprietary rights in and to trademarks, service marks, trade dress, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights associated with Darex and the Products (collectively the “Darex Brand Materials”). Darex has a brand policy that governs Your use of the Darex Brand Materials (“Darex Brand Policy”). This paragraph is intended to inform You of the Darex Brand Policy. You must adhere to the Darex Brand Policy and receive prior written approval from Darex to use the Darex Brand Materials. All goodwill arising from Your use of the Darex Brand Materials shall inure solely to the benefit of Darex. Click here to read the Darex Brand policy. 12. Termination. If You fail to abide by any term or condition of the Policy, Darex may immediately terminate its relationship with You and refuse to sell You Products, Darex may Effective May 21, 2020 4 also terminate or suspend Your status as a Darex Authorized Reseller, along with all benefits associated with being a Darex Authorized Reseller. Upon termination, for any reason, You must immediately stop representing Yourself as an Darex Authorized Reseller, disclaim all benefits (including coverage under original manufacturer’s warranties) associated with being a Darex Authorized Reseller, and stop use of and return all information and materials that may give the impression You have any affiliation with Darex. 13. Miscellaneous. Darex reserves the right to update, amend, or modify this Policy at any time. Unless otherwise provided, such amendments will take effect immediately and Your continued use, advertising, offering or sale of Products, use of the Darex Brand Materials, or use of any other information or materials provided by Darex to You as a Darex Authorized Reseller will be deemed Your acceptance of the amendments. This Policy is not intended to prejudice Darex’s rights to pursue alternative or additional measures available to it under the relevant laws. 14. Contact Us. If You have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at: Darex, LLC 210 E. Hersey St Ashland, Oregon 97520 Phone: 800-597-6170 ext. 9508