"Handing someone back a sharp knife that was dull or needed repair is why we exist. We are the solution. We get to fix blades, touch-up family heirloom knives, and learn about the sharpening challenges folks have. It is an opportunity to learn where the gaps are in the sharpening industry and to share the success and name of Work Sharp. We are here at the show to be a free service, to learn, and grow as a brand." - Brand Manager, Kyle Crawford
Work Sharp sharpens over 1000 knives each year through the attendance of industry tradeshows. At BLADE show in Atlanta, Georgia, our team sharpens every-day-carry knives for the public as they wander the show. Consumers attend BLADE to support knife makers, to purchase their own bladesmithing materials, and to discover new companies in the industry.
Another large show that bolsters the number of knives sharpened publicly by Work Sharp is SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. While the show is not open to consumers, this show is one of the largest gatherings for industry leaders and distributors. At SHOT, the purpose of attendance for Work Sharp is to connect face-to-face with brand partners like Benchmade, CRKT, and Ken Onion. Furthermore, we enjoy meeting new people and up-and-coming brands that are open to collaborating.
As Brand Manager of Work Sharp, Kyle Crawford, explains, Work Sharp is a strong advocate for brand collaboration with other companies and supporting the knife industry. The more the brand can connect and work in tandem with knife makers and tool makers, the better equipped to provide a higher quality experience for the end user.
At SHOT Show alone, Work Sharp sharpens 125 knives per day in the Benchmade booth. These knives vary and are the every-day-carries of people in attendance. The show lasts for four days and the Work Sharp sharpeners don't stop from open until close of each day. It is a lot of work, and rewarding.
Work Sharp is anticipating a year of premium knives from the knife industry. Walking the show and seeing the knives entering the market for 2019, it is clear that there is an increase in quality of material and that the craft is at an all time high.
Check out the Work Sharp sharpening solutions used at shows throughout the year.