Work Sharp Culinary at Beefsteak San Diego
Work Sharp Culinary was proud to join 10 Barrel Brewing and Front of the House in sponsoring the Chef's Roll Beefsteak San Diego event January 22nd, 2018. Over 700 lobs of Australia's finest beef and untold gallons of fresh IPA collided in a chef-focused evening of fun and culinary showmanship. Work Sharp Culinary CEO Matthew Bernard was on-hand to demo the Work Sharp Culinary E5 and M3 and ultimately gave nearly a dozen sharpeners away to the winning chefs and the hard workers who broken down the fantastic beef that fed the event! While many chefs pride themselves in their ability to create an insane edge with a whetstone, all were sold on the Work Sharp Culinary kitchen knife sharpeners, stating they looked forward to the 15-25 minutes of sharpening per knife with a stone they'd now be able to dedicate to prep (or at least rolling into the restaurant a little later!).
Check out the event page to see what you missed here!
Learn more about the Work Sharp Culinary E5 electric kitchen knife sharpener.
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